Friday, May 27, 2011

stuck in de momen...

 hurm,,,npew agknye stuck nie,,,hehhe...trgt kisa dlm bas ..hhahah... time sume org tgh glak punye bising me n ??? bley stuck in de moment plak..hahha..sweet moment yo..hhahaha..kngn trindh..cheeeeeeeeeeewa... hurm...ble agknye seyh nak trjdi lg..hhahha,,, be de bez memory of us,,,juz wanna 2 say all wat i say is come from the deep of my heart..cheeewa..hhehhe...<3

selandar la plak...

ary tue cite psl stf nie nak citew plak psl pemergian aq g selandar...nak taw asl aq kene g selandar punye psl...bez gak skola nie ley bwk mp bruntg la aq g sni sbb dry arab aq yg x abez c tue jew troz dpt b...hhhehe afte gerenti a la...yg plg bez sume yg pegi otai2 so tnjuk kple la sume..wahhh..misz dat time..luv u selandar..